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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I get a Sublixation?

There are three main causes of a Vertebral Subluxation Complex. We call those the 3 T's: Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts.

Any direct trauma to the spine can cause vertebrae to misalign and lead to sublixations. Traumas to our spines begin at birth. Think of how much pressure is exerted on the baby's neck as they enter the world in a normal delivery. Add to that a pair of doctor's hands pulling and twisting the baby's neck to aid the process.

If we make it through the birth process, we encounter many subluxations in the difficult childhood years. Falling, wrestling with other children, and other common incidents lead to additional vertebral subluxation complexes.

As adults, injuries such as a car accident, a fall, a sports injury can cause bones in the spine to misalign. There are other types of trauma that can cause a subluxation. For example, poor posture at work or while sleeping and improper lifting habits can lead to multiple subluxations.

And then we further insulted by the stresses of adulthood, the stresses of anger and irritation, the stresses of environmental pollution, from the air and water we drink, the foods we eat, and the medications many take. All of these produce more vertebral subluxations.


2. What is the difference between a Chiropractic Doctor and a Medical Doctor?
It takes eight years of education and training to become a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). The Doctor of Chiropractic first completes a prerequisite undergraduate degree at a college or university. The Doctor of Chiropractic studies all the basic sciences and must pass the State Board of Examiners' basic sciences examination. This is the same basic sciences examination other doctors, including MDs, are required to pass. They attend a college of chiropractic for four years, which must include an externship at an outpatient clinic where they get experience in a clinical and academic setting.  After graduating from Chiropractic College, like an M.D., they must pass the State Board Exam in the state they wish to practice in.  Before they can practice, all Doctors of Chiropractic must pass a series of National Board Examinations. 

3. Do Chiropractors prescribe drugs or surgical procedures?
A Doctor of Chiropractic does not prescribe drugs or medications nor do they perform surgeries.   Doctors of Chiropractic focus on restoring proper function as a way of pain relief and optimal health. In many cases, drugs are used as a Band-Aid to cover up your pain but do nothing to "fix" the cause of your problem.

4. I've been to many doctors for my condition and no matter what they do, I don't get better. Why would going to a Chiropractor get me better?
A misalignment of one or more of the 24 moveable bones of your spine called vertebrae can irritate or cause pressure or pinching on spinal nerves.  This may result in a damaging interference (irritation or blockage) to normal nerve control of your body. Since the brain controls all parts of your body through the nervous system, this nerve interference can cause pain and many health problems. It can also lower your body's resistance so that you become even more susceptible to contagious and infectious illness and disease. Therefore, if your problem is caused by a misalignment of one or more of the bones of your spine, only chiropractic care will get you better.

5. How long does the initial examination take?
The initial exam will take 60-90 minutes.  The Chiropractor will consult with you about your health and perform a complete examination to identify the problem areas.  The exam will consisit of an orthopedic and neurologic assessment; which may include range of motion, sensory or dermatome testing, orthopedic testing, reflex assessment, palpation and muscle testing.   It maybe a little more if x-rays are required or any other diagnostic procedure is necessary.   

6. Is any process of the exam painful?
In virtually all cases, the exam is not painful at all. Chiropractors are specially trained to identify and diagnose misaligned vertebrae and related disorders without invasive tests. We are gentle, and have complete empathy with your pain and suffering. Since we KNOW how much you hurt, we are very careful and cautious when doing exams.

7. Does Chiropractic care hurt?
Compared to going to the dentist, or getting a deep tissue massage, Chiropractic care is virtually painless! We explain everything before we do it and you have opportunities to have all your questions answered.  At your first visit feel free to talk to any of our patients; you'll be happy with what you hear!

8. What's the biggest mistake people make when considering going to a Chiropractor?
The biggest mistake is following the path of futile efforts of pain relief that have been followed that don't work... and continue with them hoping some miracle will occur magically changing a proven failure, into a successful result! In fact, one definition of insanity is: Doing what you've always done that doesn't work... and expecting different results! So, the biggest mistake is to stay with treatment that does not solve the underlying cause of your pain without drugs or surgery, and that still causes you to suffer. Why not try a different, proven and scientifically substantiated method of health care that works WITH your body and its natural health restoration system? Why not give the fastest growing health care profession a shot? What have you got to lose except a few minutes of your time... and the pain you've been living with as your constant companion?
9. Do I have to go to a Chiropractor forever once I begin care?
Like regular dental check-ups, once patients experience the value of chiropractic, many will choose to continue to prevent future problems. However long you decide to benefit from chiropractic is always up to you.  

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